Sep 29, 2019CalatheaWe contemplated purchasing a beautiful Calathea plant at the nursery the other day. We thought and thought about it. But we decided not...
Sep 25, 2019Cheeseburger Moodthou shalt have no other gods before me... Cheeseburger is one of my favorite food groups. I take my cheeseburger straight out of the...
Sep 22, 2019GhostWhen I die, I'm going to stay back as a ghost and haunt all the people who didn't say 'thank you' when I held the door open for them....
Sep 18, 2019Da FlakiesSomehow our kitty girl has finessed us into giving her katsuobushi flakies every morning. One day, she decided, this is how it's going to...
Sep 15, 2019La PushLa Push, baby. It’s... La Push. That’s an iconic quote from the only Asian character in Twilight. That one Asian guy, you probably...
Sep 11, 2019Scrunchie ConundrieI know that a woh-man should wear whatever she wants. If it makes her feel a-nice, then she ought to wear whatever the heck it is. I...