Apr 29, 2020Take It Easy"You need to take it easy on the 3 a.m. pizza consumption," the spirit whispered to her as she licked the grease off her thumb and...
Apr 26, 2020Coral DreamA dream is a wish your heart makes. I've noticed people on social media saying that they've had more intense, vivid dreams since...
Apr 22, 2020Couch PotateShe had crumbs in her hair and her feet in the air. I truly have been trying to stay productive this quarantine. I know I have it easy. I...
Apr 19, 2020Final ReminderHey, have you heard about these times we're in? Well, they're uncertain, if you didn't know. Now you know for sure. You know what I'm not...
Apr 15, 2020BelieveIT Chapter 2 movie breakdown: a group of grown ass adults mercilessly bullies a starving clown, leaving him completely devoid of all self...
Apr 12, 2020Introvert TypeThrough this quarantine, I've realized that my exact personality type is IWWTGOFD, which is introvert who wants to go out for dessert....