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a humor blogè

Aug 30, 2020
In order for a deodorant to claim to be "natural," it has to be free of toxins like aluminum, and it has to cost at least $12. My armpits...

Aug 26, 2020
I tried to learn the viral WAP dance that's been going around, because the choreographer is from Guam, and duh, I have pride in my home...

Aug 23, 2020
Summer is like a warm, perpetual hug. I could live like this forever. -j

Aug 19, 2020
Spider Latte
There was a mysterious insect leg in my coffee jar a while back. It could have belonged to a beetle, but probably it belonged to a...

Aug 16, 2020
I know what the difference between jam and jelly is now, so does that make me the highest level of cottagecore? In the past two days, I...

Aug 12, 2020
Clusters of Grapes
Bible verses to get you in the mood. I don't know about you ladies, but if someone ever told me that my navel is a rounded bowl that...
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