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‘Itty Bitty Titty Committee’ - This Is What You Were About To Type, Yes?

My FBI guy has jokes.

The other day, I opened Safari to look up something, and my phone— without me having typed a single letter— suggested the phrase “Itty Bitty Titty Committee.” Completely unprompted, my phone was like, “I think I know what you’re looking for!” If I have ever typed out this phrase on my phone, I cannot recall. But I must have? Either that, or my FBI guy is watching me through my camera hole, thinking, “GOT ‘EM.”

They know that I’ve clicked on the Pepper bra ads every time it pops up on my feed.

Alright, alright. I got it. Small boobs. You got me this time, FBI guy. Got me real good.


thank you, love you, xoxo ✨

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